Use our handy calculator below to help you work out approximately how much you could borrow as well as how much the repayments might be. Remember that this is just a guide and the actual amounts may go up or down a little depending on your circumstances.
We are here to work the hardest we can for you so rest assured, Max Loans will do its best to arrange the lowest interest rate possible. Apply online to see what we can do for you.
Interest rates offered on loans we arrange start from 8.99%. These calculator repayment amounts are based on a 17.95% interest rate and are a guide only. The interest rate charged will depend on your financial circumstances; taking into account how much you want to borrow, the term of the loan, your income, your other financial commitments and your credit history. The repayment calculation includes interest, establishment fee, security registration and administration fees. Our fee schedule is available on request and will be covered within your loan offer. Rest assured, Max Loans works with you to arrange the lowest interest rate possible. Apply online to see what we can do for you.